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Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's a Wrapper

Jackson and I just took a quick journey to the shops to acquire a few little necessities. I am always amazed when I come home to put my purchases away at how they were packaged when I checked out. I am usually sorting through my Yen and not paying too much attention to the goings-ons behind the counter. On this trip, I received two paper bags, each sealed with store-labeled tape, among my other goods all in one plastic sack. One of the paper sacks had a few cosmetic items (lipgloss, nail enamel, eye liner - it is moi...), the other paper sack was hiding some cotton swabs, and in the bigger plastic sack was a rollof paper towel, some hand wipes, a few jars of baby food, and some baby sunscreen.

All of this unnecessary packaging just creates a bigger issue for me at home, as I have to seperate and sort all my rubbish. Japan is a small island, and trash has to be segregated into burnable and non-burnable trash. Most trash cans around town take this one (or more) step further and have openings designed for glass bottles, PET bottles, paper, etc. only. Sometimes it gets really specific. At a fast food joint (like McDonald's for example), when you take your tray to the trash can, you are directed with symbols to empty your beverage/ice in a drain, put the lid and straw in one bin, the cups in a shoot, and the other trash in another bin. I am always a bit intimidated, especially if there are locals standing behind me. What will happen to me if I goof up this specific trash system??? (Did you see that last night I watched Midnight Express? Different country, time, crime - but scary none the less...)

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